The SVG drawing library
Utility library for working with objects and collections
DOM manipulations, events
Add paragraphs of wrapped text in Raphael.js
Chosen is a jQuery plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly.
You can find all them under /src/vendor
First you have to define a container element on your page:
<div id="vax" style="width: 400px; height: 300px"></div>
Then you create a VAX
var myVAX = new VAX('vax', {
schema: /*...*/ // your schema
, userFunctionsSaveHandler: function(id, config, callback) {
$.post('/vax/saveUserFunction', {schema: 'sql', id: id, config: JSON.stringify(config)}, function() { callback(); });
, userFunctionsLoadHandler: function(callback) {
$.getJSON('/vax/loadUserFunctions', {schema: 'sql'}, function(data) { callback(data.userFunctions); });
In config you provide a schema and handlers for saving/loading user functions, if needed. By default they are stored in localStorage
See the schema definition documentation.
You can save your current blueprint graph with the saveGraph()
or the serializeGraph()
In order to load a blueprint:
myVAX.loadGraph({nodes:[{c: "Select", id: 1, x: 900, y: 200}]});
To convert your blueprint to a tree use the composeTreesInlined()
or the composeTrees()
myVAX.composeTreesInlined(); // returns an array of trees with inlined user functions
myVAX.composeTrees(); // returns an array of trees with untouched user functions
id: 8, // node id
c: "Plus", // component name
t: { // type params
"T": "Numeric"
links: { // wired inputs
A: { // input name
id: 2,
c: "Literal",
a: { // attributes
"V": "2"
links: {},
out: "O" // output name
B: {
id: 5,
c: "Literal",
a: {
"V": "2"
links: {},
out: "O" // output name